Coaching with Mel

Getting you from where you are to where you want to be

Imagine if…

You could wake up in the morning and feel refreshed, rested, and more like you than you have in ages. You sit and eat your breakfast and sip your tea able to savour the taste of your food and take a moment for you. The sounds of your everyday such as kids, dogs, or traffic simply wash over you without bother, in fact you enjoy them. You do your morning drop offs and family tasks and you come home ready to put some hard work in. You sit with intention and action flows easily as you work through your plans for the day. You feel connected with your purpose and you are confident that today, you are going to make a difference in the lives of yourself and others, Any setbacks feel small, as you trust yourself to manage whatever comes your way. You feel centred, inspired and ready to show the world what you have. You feel like the best version of you. 

Together we can make this a reality

Letā€™s make this your reality

Life coaching

Space + curious mindset = growth 

Let’s design a life where you are flourishing. I will support you to be your best self, to be resilient, to figure out who and where you want to be and to how to get there. We get you unblocked, explore possibilities, commit to small tangible actions and keep you accountable. 

Life coaching is virtual, one hour long and after the first session is booked in 8 session increments so we can create real transformation. There are only 4 spots available at any one time so book yours in today. 

Book a free exploratory call with Mel

Business coaching with a twist

Discover a renewed confident and resilient you = resilient business

Your business will only do as well as you are doing. Business coaching with me is pure - no advising or consulting. I will help you organize your thoughts, figure out where you are stuck and where you want to be. I will give you the space to be all of you, not just business you. I am your sounding board, asking curious questions to bring your internal resourcefulness and confidence back to the surface.

Business coaching is virtual, 45 minutes long and after the first session is booked in 8 session increments.  

Book a free exploratory call with Mel

Coaching in nature

Movement + Nature + Coaching = Transformation

Those based in the south of  Vancouver Island, Canada can benefit from booking in on one of Mel’s Coaching in Nature Days in or near Shawnigan Lake where we have a 45 minute walk through nature, exploring where you are, where you’d like to be and how to get there. Take full advantage of the proven benefits of movement and nature. Accessible route options available. Give your body and mind what it needs.

Letā€™s get moving, book today!

Neil Prem

- Leadership and career coach, author of 7 Steps to Purpose

"Mel is simply the best coach I have ever worked with. As well as being a creative genius, she has a profound way of drawing out your deepest dreams and then supporting you to build bridges to make them happen.”

Caryl Williams Love

- Havening Practitioner and Coach

“Everyone can benefit from having a coach - even another coach. As an external processor, the conversations I have in my own thoughts lack the depth and clarity that I achieve when working with Mel. She gives me space to process, asks me questions that bring out insightful clarity that I did not realize I had within. She shares back with me insight that I am always surprised by.”

So what the heck is coaching anyway?

Think of coaching like a journey we take together. We look at where you are and where you want to go and then I help you stay on the map. We use a space of curiosity and a forward looking lens to discover your best self and how to embody it. Through open and curious questions you are able to discover your own resourcefulness, learn, and grow for the long term. Together we are able to dive deeper than you can alone.

Coaching is great for people who are feeling either stuck, unsure, confused, or perhaps asking themselves ‘now what?’ They are keen to make the most of this life and recognize that it’s a heck of a lot easier if they have an external lens to help them get there. 

Book a free exploratory call with Mel

How is my coaching different from others?


My Approach

I practice transformational coaching which means that I believe that you are already complete and simply need some support to access your own amazingness. I do not advise or tell you what you should do. You are the expert of your own experience. 

Advanced Training

After many years of successfully facilitating groups, doing informal coaching one to one and obtaining complementary training in working with people, I decided to obtain an official coaching certification. I chose the 175 hour applied positive psychology coaching program through The Flourishing Centre, an official ICF (International Coaching Federation) course. Unlike many shorter more basic courses out there, this course gave me an extremely deep dive into my learning through practice and theory. It included 9 months to achieve a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology, and an additional 4 months of coaching specific training. I am now also taking a 2 month course in group coaching. All coaches who complete these programs through The Flourishing Center are well regarded in the coaching field. I am also working toward my coaching hours to achieve ICF accreditation. 

Science backed tools and knowledge

Applied Positive Psychology pulls on all of the science of well being. My training and ongoing learning in this field enables me to share science backed tools with you once you have exhausted your own resources. 


Hey, I’m Mel

I’m a mother of two and my family recently moved back to Vancouver Island, Canada after living 14 years in the UK. I love all things play and growing people and communities. I feel gleeful every time I finish a coaching session as it feels like the process of it somehow brings about proper magic. I simply love to see and hear people make revelations for themselves and move closer to their goals. I’ve been in and around social businesses for more than 10 years and get energized by peoples ideas for improving the world and love to be part of helping them make it happen. When I’m not working you will find me in my happy place either in or on any body of water that I can find. 

Sounds awesome, I’m in!

Perfect! First, let’s chat about coaching, answer your questions, make sure that coaching is what you need and confirm that we are the right fit for each other. Book a complimentary, no obligation exploratory call with me. 

Book a free exploratory call with Mel

Kiyasha Naidu

- Founder of Ikigai

"I worked with Mel to discover my course of action -  how to identify and navigate my next steps in building out my business idea. She is an excellent listener and has an incredible ability to hone in on key words from my feedback. Mel provides excellent perspective on narratives, and offers alternative positive ways to view things. Every session was actionable, and she kept me accountable without a sense of overwhelming pressure.
One particularly impactful session, Mel walked me through a creating-a-vision-board exercise in which I was able to see myself in 6 months, and that gave me a lot of understanding on what I need to do, and how I was going to accomplish my goals and most importantly, WHY I wanted to. I've worked with coaches previously, and none of them came close to the kind of impact that Mel had on me during our time together. Best of all, I didn't feel like I was talking to a stranger, I felt I was talking to a wise and funny friend that was authentic, relatable and trustworthy. She was completely down to earth, professional and approachable and I look forward to working with her again."

“People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they themselves discovered, than by those which have come into the minds of others.”

- Blaise Pascal